Education / Addysg
Learning Disability Test Funding
Learning disabilities and Neurodivergencies have a lifelong impact, and all people facing this should be given adequate and accessible support, and the cost for testing is a major barrier. We call for an end to the cost of testing, increased research into the subject, and for increased education and support.
Political Awareness amongst young people
Plaid Ifanc believe that young people should be further educated in Political Matters, so that they can have informed opinions, and to aid their ability to campaign and fight for the causes that they believe in. This education and awareness should be supported by both the Welsh and UK Governments, as a more informed public will aid our democracy.
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education
Plaid Ifanc believes that our young people, and elected representatives on all levels, should be taught about our LGBTQIA+ Community. This education will not only support the community, and give young people the information and support they need around their own identity, but also help fight the current culture of Homophobia and Transphobia.
Financial Education
We believe that our young people should have access to, and support around, financial education, including how to effectively handle their money, and what aid is available to them. This is particularly important in our current Cost-of-living crisis.
Cyllid Prawf Anabledd Dysgu
Mae anableddau dysgu a niwroamrywiaethau yn cael effaith gydol oes, a dylid rhoi cymorth digonol a hygyrch i bawb sy'n wynebu hyn, ac mae'r gost am brofion yn rhwystr mawr. Rydym yn galw am roi terfyn ar gost profion, mwy o ymchwil i'r pwnc, ac am fwy o addysg a chymorth.
Ymwybyddiaeth Wleidyddol ymhlith pobl ifanc
Mae Plaid Ifanc yn credu y dylai pobl ifanc gael eu haddysgu ymhellach mewn Materion Gwleidyddol, fel y gallant fod wedi llywio barn, ac i gynorthwyo eu gallu i ymgyrchu ac ymladd dros yr achosion y maent yn credu ynddynt. Dylai'r addysg a'r ymwybyddiaeth hon gael eu cefnogi gan Lywodraethau Cymru a'r DU, gan y bydd y cyhoedd mwy gwybodus o gymorth i'n democratiaeth.
LGBTQ+ Addysg Gynhwysol
Mae Plaid Ifanc yn credu y dylai ein pobl ifanc, a chynrychiolwyr etholedig ar bob lefel, gael eu haddysgu am ein Cymuned LGBTQIA+. Bydd yr addysg hon nid yn unig yn cefnogi'r gymuned, ac yn rhoi'r wybodaeth a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen ar bobl ifanc ynghylch eu hunaniaeth eu hunain, ond hefyd yn helpu i frwydro yn erbyn diwylliant cyfredol Homoffobia a Thrawsffobia.
Addysg Ariannol
Credwn y dylai ein pobl ifanc gael mynediad at, a chefnogaeth o gwmpas, addysg ariannol, gan gynnwys sut i drin eu harian yn effeithiol, a pha gymorth sydd ar gael iddynt. Mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig yn ein hargyfwng costau byw presennol.