Democracy / Democratiaeth
Abolition of the Monarchy
Plaid Ifanc is a republican section, and believe that the monarchy is an outdated institution that is not compatible with decentralised socialism, and a democratic alternative should be found. We believe that the monarchy is an outdated and undemocratic institution built on systems of oppression, exploitation and undue privilege, and that public trust in the monarchy has been undermined by recent events, including accusations of institutionalised racism and serious sexual crimes. The people of Wales should have a choice in their form of government, and Plaid Ifanc should protest the Monarchy at every opportunity.
Diddymu'r frenhiniaeth
Mae Plaid Ifanc yn adran weriniaethol, ac yn credu bod y frenhiniaeth yn sefydliad hen ffasiwn nad yw'n gydnaws â sosialaeth ddatganoledig, a dylid dod o hyd i ddewis arall democrataidd. Credwn fod y frenhiniaeth yn sefydliad hen ffasiwn ac annemocrataidd wedi'i adeiladu ar systemau gormes, ecsbloetio a braint gormodol, a bod ymddiriedaeth y cyhoedd yn y frenhiniaeth wedi cael ei danseilio gan ddigwyddiadau diweddar, gan gynnwys cyhuddiadau o hiliaeth sefydliadol a throseddau rhywiol difrifol. Dylai pobl Cymru gael dewis yn eu ffurf o lywodraeth, a dylai Plaid Ifanc brotestio'r Frenhiniaeth ar bob cyfle.